
Castles of OrbaalThe mountainous kingdom of Orbaal (formerly known as Jara) is home to the Jarin peoples of Hârn. Within the last half-century, Ivinian raiders/conquerors invaded and established themselves as the rulers of the land. Orbaal is also home to several barbarian peoples.

Additional information on this land can be found in the Orbaal (currently out of print) and Castles of Orbaal modules published by Columbia Games.

Cultural Traits for Jarin & Ivinians

The Ivinians and Jarin who dwell in the Kingdom of Orbaal in northern Hârn are culturally distinct from southern Hârnians, as well as from each other.

Below are some suggestions for assigning Cultural Traits for Jarin & Ivinians.

Jarin Cultural Traits

Jarin characters may take 2-3 (GM/group discretion) of the following cultural traits:

Jarin characters also get Adherent as a cultural trait. Most characters should probably take this trait as Adherent of Ilvir. However, if it fits in with the character concept, Adherent of Siem or Adherent of Peoni are also possible.

Orbaal ImageIvinian Cultural Traits

Ivinians (i.e. Hârn's "vikings") may take 2-3 (again, GM/group discretion) of the following cultural traits:

Like the Jarin, Ivinian characters also get Adherent as a cultural trait. Most Ivinians should take this trait as Adherent of Sarajin. However, if it fits in with the cIharacter concept, at GM/group discretion, an Ivinian may take Adherent of Agrik instead.